バリアフリー電子書籍情報室: 7月 2014


Eight Apps to Support Early Reading and Writing | Cool Tools

(update:July 28, 2014)
As we all know, it’s never too early to encourage reading. I regularly Skype with my two young nieces, who live 1,200 miles away. The four-year-old shares her current bedtime book with me, and shows me the words she can recognize in it. While reading in person with a child is best, these apps and sites also help very young students get excited about learning to read and write...
Source: TheDigitalShift


Developers' Guide to Features of Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools
W3C First Public Working Draft 24 July 2014

(update:July 24, 2014)
This document describes features that web authoring and quality assurance tools can incorporate, so that they support the evaluation of accessibility requirements, such as those defined by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. The main purpose of this document is to promote awareness of such tool features and to provide introductory guidance for tool developers on what kind of features they could provide in future implementations of their tools. This listing of features could also be used to help compare different types of evaluation tools, for example during the procurement of such tools...
Source: W3C®


米Amazon.com、電子書籍の定額サービス開始か? テストページを一時公開

米Amazon.comが、定額制で読み放題の電子書籍サービスを計画していると複数の海外メディア(米Wall Street Journal、米Gigaom、英Reutersなど)が現地時間2014年7月16日に報じた...
Source: Nikkei Business Publications, Inc.
Source: Amazon.com







府中市立図書館で電子書籍貸し出し 広島県内の公立図書館で初

Source:広島県 府中市立図書館


米大使館情報資料担当官が講演 情報発信の重要性強調



The Future of Braille: NLS Braille Summit Presentations and Outcomes

(update:July 3, 2014)
Executive Summary
True literacy for people who are blind or severely visually impaired—that is, the ability to read, to write, and to read what one wrote—was achieved with the introduction of the braille system nearly 200 years ago. As a direct corollary to print, braille provided complete access to text at every level. Since that time, braille has been universally recognized as the literacy medium for blind and severely visually impaired people throughout the world. Braille readers have the same level of access to the written word, mathematics, and music, in all their nuances, as do print readers...
Source: National Library Service